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Sunday, 1 August 2010

20 weeks - new clothes and Sophie's first BBQ!

This has been another very busy week! On Tuesday the health visitor was here and wee Sophie is now 8lbs 7oz and doing well.

Wednesday and Thursday we looked after grandad's dog Sammy, and Friday daddy was off.

We bought Sophie her first proper coat - a piglet coat :) It'll be a while before she grows into it, as we got it in a size that she should fit by the time it's the weather for needing a coat - 3-6 months. It's so hard to predict what size she will be when. At the moment she is still in newborn clothes and looking like she will be in them for some time to come - not that I'm complaining, because after feeling in a way as if I missed out on the first few weeks of being a mummy, it's lovely to still have a newborn sized baby now she's finally home!

Sophie's new Piglet coat

On Saturday we went to the Fort and got Sophie some new clothes with the vouchers we got from my colleagues (0-3 months for her growing into as she got so many newborn clothes when she was born!) then went to a BBQ at Aunty Steph's and Uncle B'ri's - Sophie's first ever BBQ! She was a little angel and got lots of cuddles! She had her first trip to Ikea and Costco as well - no doubt the first of many!